

It happens often: someone comes into your studio and wants to connect their CD player, iPod, portable digital recorder, flash drive, cassette deck, or whatever to your studio. Either they want to play something to your studio, or they want to record audio from your studio.
It might be professional gear or a consumer device. It might be analog or digital. Is it AES/EBU or S/PDIF? Does it need XLRs, or a ¼” phone plug, or a 3.5mm mini-plug, or a phono plug? Maybe a video crew wants you to give them an audio feed for their TV camera. You never know who wants to plug what into your studio, but it’s a hassle to figure it out at the last minute. Until now!
MultiPort solves this problem by providing you with a central place to connect just about anything to your audio system. Easily plug in pro gear, consumer gear, analog or digital, without needing converter boxes, adaptors, patch cords, or last-minute wiring strung from the back of your rack.
MultiPort is like having an (analog) Matchbox and a (digital) DigiMatch on a panel, with multi-connector convenience. Just install it and end the hassle of last-minute equipment interface.
Product Description
MultiPort™ is a utility interconnect panel that facilitates interface between a studio and external audio equipment. MultiPort provides convenient access to a studio’s analog and digital audio inputs and outputs, and allows connection to both professional and consumer gear. MultiPort’s active circuitry performs all level, impedance, and topology conversion necessary for correct interface.
MultiPort connects to any studio via its analog and digital inputs and outputs. The analog I/O interfaces to any line level audio source and input, e.g., a spare D.A. output and a stereo Line input channel on a console. The digital I/O is similar, connecting to any AES/EBU signal source and console input.
MultiPort provides both balanced and unbalanced analog stereo Line outputs, plus two monaural balanced Mic outputs. The Mic outputs are summed from the Left and Right line sources, and include a Ground Lift switch. The unit will accept balanced or unbalanced analog stereo Line inputs. Digital I/O can be via either the AES/EBU or S/PDIF standard; the digital I/O is transformer isolated. XLR, ¼” TRS, 3.5mm TRS, and phono jacks are provided for interface.
MultiPort also provides two “pass-through” connectors for convenient access to USB and RJ45 circuits. These can be changed in the field to any combination of USB, RJ45, or IEEE1394 connectors. The USB connector is reversible, so that either the rectangular or square jack is available on the front panel.
MultiPort is designed to be mounted in studio cabinetry or rack-mounted using the Rack Adaptor panels which are included. MultiPort is powered with an external AC transformer, included.
Technical Specifications
From studio outputs to MultiPort inputs:
From MultiPort outputs to studio inputs:
MultiPort outputs, to external equipment:
MultiPort inputs, from external equipment:
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